Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spring Will Come!

An Unsolicited Testimonial:

Grampa loves crackers. Grampa loves good crackers. He is always trying something new. We like some of the gourmet crackers that you get at Costco or Sams, but then next time we look, they are not there. Pretzels are good, but they are not my favorite. Ritz, is still one of the best, and no substitutes. When we try substitutes, they usually become Bailey’s snacks. I do like some of the Keebler crackers. They try really hard in quality. Recently Grampa came home with a box of Keebler Town House “Flip Sides”. They are very good. Next time you are in the store pick some up. Great with dip. Also, I do not like flimsy paper towels. I usually get Brawney or Scott and find that it is better to pay a little more for quality. My last purchase was the new VIVA paper towel. It gets my stamp of approval. Soft, yet strong as a cloth. So there is my peace of mind for today, while waiting for Spring.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That is a beautiful shot! I also am with you on the crackers. I love the Mom's musing. I came to see you today but you weren't there. Happy Valentines Day. I love all three of you! Jenny